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Practical advice on how to prevent misunderstandings with students and disruption of lessons by creating an atmosphere of friendliness and order during education.

Even if a teacher is passionate about his subject, it is unlikely that he will be able to capture the attention of students if he is unable to bring order to the lesson.

Although the promotion of an informal atmosphere in the classroom is now increasingly promoted, we are convinced that the lack of discipline is one of the main obstacles to a successful educational process. After all, how can you hear and understand what the teacher is talking about when the class is noisy? How will you feel if you are in the noise all day for 5-7 lessons?

We offer several tips, following which will help prevent bad discipline in the lesson and establish friendly relations with students.

1. Create rules of conduct in your lesson

The best way to do it during the first getting to know the class. We offer to borrow the experience of a private Brazilian school Lumiar, in which students can vote independently and even adopt a law for the school under the condition of mandatory compliance.

Together with the students, develop rules about what can and cannot be done in the lessons of your subject. This will help motivate discipline in class.

Print and hang the agreed rules in the office. The main condition is to make sure that you and your students follow them. The rules should be simple, clear and logical. Students must understand not only the meaning, but also the consequences of their violation.

2. Find a common language with the informal leader

Although teachers try to build equal relations with students of the whole class, everyone always has their favorites.

Often, teachers first of all pay attention to those students who study well, are disciplined, smart, etc. But we advise you to take a closer look at who is the informal leader in the class. Such schoolchildren, as a rule, are brawlers, and disruptions in discipline, the initiative of absenteeism are precisely their fault. Do you have such a student in your class? Look at what makes him different from others on the positive side, and focus on that!

As psychologists say, children who violate discipline try to draw attention to themselves in this way. So try to find a common language with them, find out what is in the field of interests and understand what is the reason for oppositional behavior. In this way, you will be able to solve two problems at once: on the one hand, you will help an individual child to overcome his own psychological problems, and on the other hand, by enlisting the support of the class leader, difficulties with discipline will be solved without your intervention.

3. Try to understand the students

Any person feels comfortable when he is sure that he is understood and accepted, and children and teenagers - even more so.

At school, it is customary to keep a distance between the teacher and the students. And it is so great that sometimes it seems to schoolchildren that their teachers are not just from another generation, but from another planet in general, so any kind of understanding from them should be expected.

We advise in conflicting situations to show students that you understand them.

Listen to the student and try to see the situation through his eyes. Understanding itself is the zero point of conflict. When the student realizes that you understand him, he begins to listen.

4. Create a friendly atmosphere in the lesson

When you notice that a student does something better than everyone else or that he makes personal progress, praise him! Don't skimp on praise, children really look forward to it. But, of course, it should be deserved!

From time to time, give children pleasant surprises during the lesson. Come up with an incentive for good behavior. The incentive can be anything: a creative lesson, an interesting movie, an excursion. And always keep your word! Otherwise, you risk losing their trust.

5. Be the master in the classroom

Create such conditions that despite your openness and kindness, students understand who is in charge.

Constantly monitor the progress of the lesson, make sure that the agreed rules are followed. Visually show that you really control everything that happens in the lesson. Do not forget about both punishment and encouragement!

6. Tell the students about yourself and your life

Show students that you are not only a teacher, but also, above all, a person. Tell them about yourself, about your childhood, what problems you had as a teenager, how you overcame them, or how exactly they affected your life as an adult, etc. Share your experience not only with knowledge of the subject, but also with life wisdom.

7. Take time to listen to the student

In order to understand the student and try to look at the situation through his eyes, you must first listen to him. Of course, not to the detriment of study time or other students, but if a student comes to you with a problem, try to give him a few minutes during a break or after class and listen carefully. It's so little, but sometimes it's so important!

Be sincere, friendly and consistent! The distance between the teacher and the student should be, but not so great that the sense of human qualities of the teacher is lost. After all, the task of every teacher is not only to teach within a certain school discipline, but also to educate a personality. The latter is possible only if the teacher himself is perceived as a person worthy of imitation.

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