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Kolkiv Lyceum is a source of talent


  The Institute of the Gifted Child and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine regularly hold the All-Ukrainian competition-rating of general educational institutions for work with gifted children "School - source of talents".

   The Kolkiv Lyceum Foundation has already been recognized as a laureate of this prestigious competition three times (2015, 2018, 2021). The awarded certificates confirm the presence of favorable conditions for the development of gifted children. 

Developing the giftedness of each student is the key to success

support institution


  The era of the third millennium  powerfully explodes with changes and innovations, dictates its  living conditions; this is the age of intelligence, values of mind and gifts.

  According to Japanese futurologists, intellectual  production becomes the main thing in developed countries. The level of civilization of a society can be judged by the attitude towards intelligence.

But everything great in life begins with small things. School is the primary source of our intellectual growth, an inexhaustible treasury of knowledge, experience, and kindness.

  School is the soil in which the first seeds of talent germinate, the beginnings of character are formed, and the first life guidelines are born.

  Talented youth are the intellectual wealth of the nation, its creative potential. Therefore, care for the development of children's giftedness should be considered as care for the future of the Ukrainian state.

The teaching staff of our lyceum school considers it their task to recognize a talented personality in a child, as well as to awaken in him the joy of novelty and creativity; to develop her abilities, the ability to think outside the box, boldly, stubbornly; to establish in her soul the idea that she  should make maximum use of God's gift, learn a lot and work for its flourishing and  implementation.

   That is why our institution pays special attention to the development of creative  abilities of gifted children. In recent years, a certain system of work  with gifted students has developed. It includes:

  • identification and selection of gifted children;

  • creation of comfortable conditions for their  development;

  • search for new forms of work with gifted students during classes and after-school hours;

  • promoting the development of each personality;

  • psychological support at each stage.

    In our work with gifted students, we prioritized the following areas:

1. broad Olympic movement;

2. participation in subject competitions, tournaments and competitions;

3. the work of the scientific student society "Search" and the training of lyceum students in sections of the Volyn regional  MAN.

4. participation of students in intellectual championships, games and competitions.

We are convinced that work with gifted children leads to positive results only when it is continuous, purposeful and systematic. At the beginning of each academic year, we draw up a school-wide plan for working with gifted students, on the basis of which each teacher draws up an individual plan.

   The school has created a database of gifted children and replenishes it twice a year. All victories of each student during the year are recorded.

   The school has classes with in-depth study of individual subjects, special elective courses are organized to deepen knowledge of a specialized subject, there are a number_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-badcf58d_, electives aimed at  the general development of the student.

In lessons, teachers pay great attention to the independent work of students, use special techniques for the development of creative thinking. This is facilitated by exercises on finding original solutions to problems, carrying out research work. The development of giftedness is facilitated by the creation of problem situations in the lesson,   finding non-standard solutions. Such  organization of the educational process produces students' skills to acquire knowledge independently, through their own reasoning, develops inclinations and abilities.

  Every year, dozens of capable children participate in subject competitions in basic disciplines of all levels and win prizes. The development of children's creative talents is facilitated by their participation in language and literary competitions named after P. Yatsyk, T.G. Shevchenko, etc.

  The students of the school constantly win prizes in competitions of various  directions ("History of Ukraine and State Formation", All-Ukrainian Expedition "My Motherland_cc781905-5cde-3194-6bad3b-58d_Ukraine  ", "Space fantasies", "Young researcher".) Various international and national interactive competitions "Ear of ears" have become popular. "Lion", "Kangaroo", "Greenwich", "Crystal Owl". The number of their participants is growing. They help teachers develop students' interest in the subject, tell students how to combine the use of traditional and modern sources of information.

  An integral component  of the work of our institution  with gifted children is the organization of activities of the scientific student society "Search". This society was established in 2005, has its own charter and operates according to the work plan. Every year, it unites in its ranks talented children who strive to improve their knowledge of the basics of science, expand their worldview, deepen their erudition and polish their intellect.

    Sections of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with  Ukrainian language, English language, history, local history, foreign historical literature, and Internet literature operate in association technology and web design, theology and religious studies, philosophy, agronomy, which are managed by experienced teachers. They direct their  efforts to develop students' creative abilities,  involve them in active research, inculcate independent work skills, develop communication skills, teach basic_cc781905-5cde31b -136bad5cf58d_ methods and techniques of scientific  research available to them.

   During the academic year, the heads of sections hold additional classes with students, where they consider tasks of increased complexity, provide the necessary advice on the execution of work, its design and protection.

The work of the sections of the National Academy of Sciences consists of several stages, and the report of lyceum students on research work in the branch is a scientific conference, which takes place every year in December and  takes place within the framework of the lyceum "Days of Science".

   A practical psychologist works with each contestant, who acquaints students with techniques that can be used to capture and hold the attention of the audience, reveals important secrets of public speaking, helps students learn speak freely, frankly, publicly express your opinions and defend them.

cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d , the desire to achieve  results in scientific research. And most importantly, they learn to generalize facts, carry out creative analysis, establish regularities under  the time of studying a certain problem or question. Of course, while investigating this or that question, the young researcher does not  make a discovery for all of humanity. But this is a discovery for himself. This is valuable material for  the school, for our museum, for fellow villagers. And the fact that the first steps in scientific research are quite interesting and deep, we make sure during school scientific conferences. It should be noted that our town in particular and the Polish region in general has a rich history and many "white spots" that students are happy to explore. Therefore, among the variety of topics,   a number of works have a local history orientation. This is the study of the history  of the Kolkiv Holy Exaltation Church, which  was built at the beginning of the 19th century, this is also the question of the study of Magdeburg_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb35b-136bad5cf58d_rights in Kolki, this is a work about the people of Kolkiv - ostarbaiters during the Great Patriotic War, and the issue of national self-assertion of the people of Kolkiv, starting with the reign of Prince Roman. These are also multi-faceted geographical studies and tracts of White Beach, and the development of green tourism in the Kolkiv community. Our students and their supervisors have repeatedly been participants  of the regional scientific and practical conference  "Volyn and Volyn residents in the research of young scientists", where they presented their_cc781905-5cbbde-3194 -136bad5cf58d_ work in progress.

    The members of the scientific society are  students of the VOMAN Correspondence School and like to attend lectures, practical sessions, where teachers help students properly write a scientific paper, formulate the main theses of the introduction, conclusions, etc.

  The fact that twice during its existence it was recognized as one of the best in the region  as part of the regional competition on the best model of the student scientific society.

    In our opinion, the development of creative talent is  of course not only work directly in sections of the National Academy of Arts, and lessons, Olympiads, and competitions. It has  a wide range of different directions. The basic block in our work is the creation of the most favorable conditions for the development and self-realization of capable and gifted students. Various clubs, sports sections, art studios, clubs work in the school, and student self-government works successfully. It is the gifted children who  are usually the proactive group that the teacher relies on, organizing various holidays and subject weeks.

    Well-proven  intellectual games for different age groups of children in our school. For younger schoolchildren, this is the game "The Smartest", 7-8th grade students demonstrate  their knowledge in the game "Intellectual Target",  subject KVK.

    The CROCS school championship of intellectually developing games, held every year in February, is particularly popular among high school students. Interest in these competitions remains unchanged, primarily among gifted children who have the opportunity to develop their special abilities in various competitions and tasks.

Team "Ad astra!" was a multiple winner and prize-winner of regional and All-Ukrainian championships in team and individual championships.

  We are convinced that such intellectual and sports competitions are useful for children, because  they have the opportunity to communicate with peers from different cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ schools. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of your level of development, make friends, compete, show your skills and just have a meaningful and interesting time.

   Gifted children in our school do not limit themselves to a narrow field of their interests, they are  the leaders of traditional school activities, in which students participate in self-government_cc789080 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ we have a lot going on.

The ability to organize others, to lead by  oneself is also a special gift that needs development and recognition by others to a greater extent than any other. School life is so saturated with various forms of student creativity that during the years of study, everyone can try their hand at the role of presenter, director, actor, singer, poet, artist, administrator, etc.

  We do not forget about encouraging students who achieved high results during the school year. The teaching staff, the management of the institution pays a lot of attention to both moral and material stimulation of the creative growth of talented youth. The result of joint creative, intellectual, scientific-research  activities of students and teachers  is the traditional school Holiday of gifted youth "Starry Olympus", at which we honor the winners and prize-winners of olad, contests- defenses, other intellectual, sports, tourist, music festivals, competitions, tournaments. Each laureate, winner is necessarily awarded with a certificate and either a cash prize or a valuable gift. A corresponding order is issued for the school.

Pupils who have achieved the highest results are declared "Student of the Year" in one or another category. The decision on this is made on the basis of the vote of 3 parties: student class groups, the pedagogical council and the directorate of the educational institution.

   The achievements of gifted students are highlighted in the press whenever possible, and the most gifted are awarded scholarships by a member of the Verkhovna Rada, the President of Ukraine. We have such students every year.

The fact that we are on the right track in our work with gifted schoolchildren is confirmed by the good and excellent education of our graduates in universities, academies and other educational institutions both in Ukraine and abroad.

Our  time is a time of changes and transformations in various spheres of life, in particular in the educational process. We are called to raise  a promising, business-minded person who combines a rich spiritual world, knowledge, practice and initiative. After all, to make a person happy, self-confident, boldly stepping into an unknown tomorrow.

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