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The council for the prevention of delinquency among students was created by order of the school director from among teaching staff and representatives of the parents' committee. The Council is called to unite the efforts of the pedagogy, student groups, parents' community, social-psychological service in creating a unified work system for the prevention of neglect and offenses in the institution, works with children, teenagers and their parents.

I. General provisions.

  1. The council for the prevention of offenses was created in the institution to work on the prevention of offenses and crimes, and to strengthen discipline among students.

  2. The composition of the crime prevention council is approved by the order of the school director and consists of the chairman, his deputy and members of the council. Members of the council are school employees, representatives of the parents' committee. The delinquency prevention council is managed by the director or the deputy for educational work (in the absence of the director or on his behalf).

  3. The Crime Prevention Council carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation, the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child", the School Charter, regulatory documents and orders of the director of the educational institution.

II. The purpose of the activities of the Crime Prevention Council.

  1. Humanization and democratization of the educational process, creation of the most favorable conditions  for the cooperation of teachers, students and their parents as the main condition for preventing and overcoming deviations in student behavior.

  2. Formation and development of a single school team with a healthy moral climate.

  3. Ensuring the coordination of the activities of all school units that ensure the vital activity of the student body.

  4. Increasing the effectiveness of educational work with students, development of the student team, public activity, independence, responsibility of students for their actions, prevention of negative manifestations among students.

  5. Overcoming erroneous views in the minds of individual students, which were formed as a result of incorrect upbringing.

  6. Formation of legal concepts in students that would regulate their behavior.

   7. Development of skills and habits of lawful behavior.

   8. Resistance to negative phenomena and influences.

III. Tasks of the Crime Prevention Council.

  1. To monitor the state of work in the institution regarding the prevention of crime, offenses and other deviant manifestations among student youth, to summarize and analyze its results.

  2. To consider the personal cases of students who violate the order.

  3. Monitor the behavior of teenagers who are enrolled in an educational institution, SSD.

  4. Identify difficult-to-educate students and parents who do not fulfill their child-rearing duties, report them to the children's service.

  5. To attract teenagers prone to delinquency and vagrancy to group work.

  6. Conduct individual educational work with teenagers with deviant behavior.

  7. Correct the pedagogical positions of parents, or persons who replace them, who avoid raising children or have a negative influence on them. In necessary cases, raise the question of bringing such parents to the responsibility established by the Law before the relevant state organizations.

  8. To submit problematic issues for discussion by the board and for decision-making by the management of the educational institution.

  9. To listen to class teachers about the state of work on strengthening discipline and prevention of offenses.

  10. To organize individual patronage over teenagers.

  11. Consider the issue of the state of work on the prevention of offenses in the classrooms of the institution.

IV. Procedures for the activities of the Crime Prevention Council.

  1. The numerical and nominal composition of the Prevention Council  is approved by the order of the director of the institution for each year.

  2. The periodicity of meetings of the Council for the prevention of offenses is determined by the general state of preventive work in the institution, the moral climate, but not less than twice a semester, except in emergency cases.

  3. The progress of the meeting of the Council  for the prevention of offenses and the decisions made are recorded by one of the council members.

  4. The decision of the Council is made by voting (by majority vote).

  5. The work of the Crime Prevention Council is planned for the academic year. The work plan is discussed at the board meeting and approved by the director of the institution.

  6. Рада з профілактики правопорушень не підпорядкована службі у справах дітей,  але  свою  роботу  проводить_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ у  тісному  контакті    з _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_  нею    та іншими правоохоронними органами, громадськими організаціями, які проводять виховну роботуз  дітьми.

  7. When considering personal cases, the class teacher and  the student's parents are invited together with the students.

  8. Considers submissions of class teachers, a psychologist, a social pedagogue on placement and removal from internal records.

  9. Provides consultative, methodical help to parents in raising children.

  10. Considers conflict situations related to problems of personal communication between the participants of the educational process, within the limits of his competence.

  11. Involves medical specialists, law enforcement officers and others to jointly solve issues related to the competence of the Crime Prevention Council.

  12. Обговорює     питання     перебування   _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  дітей      у _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_   prepares appropriate petitions for guardianship authorities for families in difficult life circumstances.

V. Functions of the Crime Prevention Council.

  1. Diagnostic, which is implemented through a system of measures aimed at identifying the nature and levels of deviations in the behavior of students, clarifying the real state of the educational process;

  2. Coordinating, which determines the effectiveness of the interrelationships of the Crime Prevention Council and subjects of external influence on the behavior of students (educational institution, family, peers, cultural institutions, mass media, region, etc.);

  3. Creative, which gives the right to choose appropriate psychological and pedagogical influences on the students of education, taking into account specific conditions and personalities;

  4. Project, which consists in the development of new effective forms and methods of response to the expected and real situation with deviations in behavior or violations of moral and legal norms;

  5. Evaluative and generalizing,   which ensures the selection of an adequate system of work of the Council for the prevention of offenses based on the analysis and assessment of the existing state;

  6. Educational, implemented through the creation of a certain system of dissemination of knowledge in law, psychology, sociology, which will contribute to the effective solution of crime prevention tasks;

  7. Prognostic, which consists in forecasting the results of the impact of pedagogical measures on students with deviations in behavior, on the prevention of violations of moral and legal norms.

Various forms of collective, group, and individual work are used in the activities of the Crime Prevention Council, as well as appeals for help to parents, law enforcement agencies, medical institutions, sociological services, local self-government bodies, and other subjects of activity with students.

VI. Rights and duties of the crime prevention council.

1. The prevention council is obliged to:

  1. Develop and implement a system of interaction between the administration and teachers of the institution with the public, designed to prevent juvenile delinquency.

  2. Contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the institution's work in the prevention of student delinquencies.

  3. To study the state of preventive work in the institution by class, the peculiarities of the personality development of students who belong to the "risk group" and their extracurricular activities.

  4. To invite the parents of these students or persons who replace them to the meeting of the Prevention Council for consideration of personal cases of students.

  5. Здійснювати    консультаційно-інформаційну    діяльність   _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ for     team of teachers and parents.

  6. Monitor the implementation of the decisions made.

2. The Preventive Council has the right to:

  1. To give individual and collective recommendations to teachers, parents on the issues of correcting the behavior of teenagers and conducting preventive work with them.

  2. To bring up for discussion at parent meetings and class meetings information about the state of the problem of juvenile delinquency.

  3. Клопотати  перед  ССД      щодо вжиття заходів громадського впливу in

according to the procedure established by law regarding students and their parents or persons who replace them.

VI. Documentation of the Crime Prevention Council.

  1. Order on the creation of a crime prevention council.

  2. Work plan of the crime prevention council.

  3. Minutes of meetings.

  4. Cards of students registered at the school.

  5. Lists of children who found themselves in difficult life circumstances.

  6. Lists of orphans  and children deprived of parental care.

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