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14 жовтня Покрова, День захисника Україниfile1303.png

Layeris the national scouting organization of Ukraine, which was created as a national version of scouting that quickly spread throughout the world. At the same time, the experience of world scouting and the national traditions of the Ukrainian people were used.

In 1911, the first layer circles were created.

The official date of the foundation of Plast is the day of the first oath

April 12, 1912. 

And to this day we keep   that oath. Three responsibilities of a plastun and a plastun.

  • To be faithful to God and Ukraine;

  • Help others;

  • Obey the formation lead and live by the Formation Law.

After all, the main goal of the stratum is to promote  comprehensive and patriotic education and self-education of the individual in accordance with stratum and national values.

Today, Plast is well developed in Lutsk. In  2007 in the Kolkiv  lyceum, a scout cell, the organization Plast, began to emerge. In 2008 Kolki schoolchildren took part in the first formation camp "Guide to the Formation". Since then, the children, who are enthusiastic and obsessed with the idea of the formation, have been active participants in various events,   projects.

Who  could be platoons?

 There are no age restrictions. If the child from

0-6 years old - chicks

 6- 11 years - novelty

11-18  years - youth

From 18 to 35 are older children

And from 35 - these are seniors' plastuns.

Can every child come to Plast?

Yes, if the educational goal and ideological principles of Plast correspond to the principles of upbringing in the family.

What are the children doing on the stairs?

They play, sing, make crafts, listen, discuss, draw, laugh, learn to tie knots and find the way by the signs of the traveler...

NOT: watch TV, play computer games, idle.

And if we change our mind?

You can leave Plast at any time. But you can return to Plast only once, and only with the consent of the local reservoir unit.

Why do you need Plast?

The Plastuns distinguished themselves by taking an active part in the development and defense of their state, and were active participants in the liberation movement and wars for the independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the People's Republic of Ukraine. Currently, "Plast" is the largest and oldest Ukrainian scouting organization. For us, it is an opportunity to learn, to have friends in Ukraine and the world, to be useful, to always see the results of our work. To form a citizen - a patriot of Ukraine  both in oneself and in others.

 And patriotism in our modern understanding is the feeling that in my class, school, village, country, everything concerns me, everything depends on me.

Join in!!!

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14 жовтня Покрова, День захисника Україниfile1407.png
14 жовтня Покрова, День захисника Україниfile1309.png

On Saturday, December 25, the platoons of the "Kolkiv Lyceum" educational institution traditionally transferred the Bethlehem flame to the St. Nicholas and Ascension Churches as a symbol of peace, harmony and love.

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