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List of gifted children,

winners of district, regional, All-Ukrainian Olympiads,

competitions and contests


1. Oleiynyk Andrii Serhiyovych - 10-B class.

- Volyn Student Internet Olympiad in Informatics - 1st city

- European Junior Olympiad in Informatics - Silver medal

- All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics - II.

Teacher A.P. Protsik

2. Brik Iryna Oleksandrivna - 11-A class.

- regional competition-defense of scientific and research projects

 work - Ukrainian  literature - III m.

Academic supervisor Sadova S.V.

3. Ostrovskaya Anastasia Oleksandrivna - 11-A class.

- regional competition-presentation of young artists and craftsmen

 decorative and applied art "From the healing spring of the native we scoop up the land as hard as we can" - ІІІ m.

  • All-Ukrainian competition of children's and youth creativity "Safety in life - life in safety"  (nomination "Rescuer - a heroic profession") - I m.

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        «Український сувенір»  - And m.

       "New Year's gift"

Head Ostrovska L.V.

4. Semyonova Sofiya Serhiivna – 9-A class.

- regional competition-protection of research works - historical local history - III m.

Research supervisor  Palchuk L.V.

5. Yury Petrovych Popovych - 11-B class.

- Volyn Student Internet Olympiad in Informatics - 1st city

Teacher A.P. Protsik

6. Viktoriya Oleksandrivna Kalush – 10-B class.

- regional competition "Forest Hand made" - I m;

- regional correspondence stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad "DreamECO", competition of interschool environmental projects on protection issues environment - graduate student

Head Kalush N.V.

7. Viktoria Andriivna Troschuk - 10th grade.

- district stage of the competition of young humorists "Humor and laughter unite of all" (nomination "Merry brush")  - ІІІ m.

Head Ostrovska L.V.

8. Horbach Ilya Mykolayovych - 9-A class.

- regional competition-defense of scientific and research projects

of works - veterinary medicine and zootechnics - II m.

  • regional competition of young zoologists and animal breeders  (nomination "Beekeeping") - II m.  - the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for inventions and of rationalizing projects of ecological and naturalistic directly - II m.

Academic supervisor Svitach O.V.

9. Svitach Vadym Bohdanovich - 9-A class.

- regional correspondence stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad "DreamECO", in the "Environmental Quality" category - III m.

- regional action "Ukraine is us!" (nomination "People who change the world" - I m.

  • All-Ukrainian interactive competition "MAN-Junior-Researcher"  - ІІІ m.

  • All-Ukrainian campaign "Youth Care, Ukraine!" - ("Research marathon" nomination) - I m.

Teacher Svitach O.V.

10. Bortnyk Angelina Volodymyrivna – 7-B class.

- district stage of correspondence exhibitions of competitions

"Ukrainian souvenir"  - I m.

"New Year's gift" - I m.

Head Ostrovska L.V.

  • regional stage III of the All-Ukrainian physical culture and health event "Cool Games" - III m.

Teacher Bortnyk V.V.

11. Bobik Vyacheslav Viktorovych - 7-B class.

- district stage of correspondence exhibitions of competitions

"Ukrainian souvenir"  - I m.

"New Year's gift" - I m.

  • regional festival of creative children of the ATO/OOS participants "Gems" - laureate

Head Ostrovska L.V.

12. Khrystyna Ivanivna Badovska – 6- In class.

  • All-Ukrainian competition of children's and youth creativity "Safety in life - life in safety"  ("Drawing" nomination) - diploma winner

Head Ostrovska L.V.

13. Daryna Bohdanivna Namonyuk – 5th grade.

  • All-Ukrainian competition of children's and youth creativity "Safety in life - life in safety"  ("Drawing" nomination) - diploma winner

Head Ostrovska L.V.

14. Bilan Daryna Serhiivna – 10-A class.

  • regional stage III of the All-Ukrainian physical culture and health event "Cool Games" - III m.

Teacher V.V. Bortnyk.

  • district stage of correspondence exhibitions of competitions

"Ukrainian souvenir"  - I m.

"New Year's gift" - I m.

Head Ostrovska L.V.

15. Bohdana Kurdelchuk  Oleksandrivna – 10-A class.

- regional stage III All-Ukrainian physical culture and health

         заходу «Cool Games» - III m.

  • regional competitions of the physical culture and patriotic festival of schoolchildren of Ukraine "Kozatsky Gart" - I m.

Head Bortnyk V.V.

16. Ivanna Dmitrivna Voronyuk - 6th grade

- regional competition "The Sun of Ukraine in our hands" - II city.

- district stage of the competition of young humorists "Humor and laughter unites all" (nomination "Merry brush") - I m.

  • All-Ukrainian children's and youth arts festival "Turtles of Victory" - I city.

  • All-Ukrainian competition of children's and youth creativity "Safety in life - life in safety"  (nomination "For mastery of performance") - I city.

Head Ostrovska L.V.

17. Bugaichuk Vladyslava Oleksandrivna – 10-B class.

- All-Ukrainian literary and artistic competition "Berezhnevi mysteries" - for emotional insight ("Prose" nomination)

Teacher Kurdelchuk L.V.

18. Boyko Svitlana Ivanivna - 11-B class.

  • district stage of correspondence exhibitions of competitions

 "Ukrainian souvenir"  - I m.

 "New Year's gift" - I m.

Head Ostrovska L.V.

19. Tymoshchuk Ulyana Viktorivna – 5-A class.

  • district stage of correspondence exhibitions of competitions

 "Ukrainian souvenir"  - I m.

"New Year's gift" - I m.

Head Ostrovska L.V.

20. Tsypyvko Victoria Romanivna – 5th grade.

- regional action "Ukraine is us!" (nomination "Ukraine in the lens tourist" - II m.

Head Kalush N.V.

21. Bohdana Bohdanivna Pankiv – 6-A class.

- regional competition "For the best self-made holiday eco-toy" - II m.

Head Komarinska G.V.

22. Khilko Oleksandr Volodymyrovych - 11-B class.

- VIII All-Ukrainian distance competition of scientific papers from of social pedagogy (nomination "Social advertising (video)" - I m.

Head of Nagorn O.V.

23. Nadiya Igorivna Nagorna – 3-B class.

- regional arts festival "Military amulets from St. Nicholas" - II m.

- international media festival "Dityatko" - finalist

Head of Nagorn O.V.

24. Arshulik Mykhailo Volodymyrovych – 7-B class.

  • regional festival of creative children of the ATO/OOS participants "Gems" - laureate

Head Ostrovska L.V.

25. Anastasia Igorivna Nadolnik - 7-B class.

- district stage of the competition of young humorists "Humor and laughter unite of all" (nomination "Vesely penzlyk") - I m.

Head Ostrovska L.V.

26. Karaziya Kostyantyn Tarasovych – 10-A class.

- district stage of the competition of young humorists "Humor and laughter unite of all" (nomination "Happy Smiles") - III m.

Teacher Raikin T.F.

27. Panasiuk Nazar Ivanovich – 9-B class.

- regional stage ІІІ of the All-Ukrainian physical culture and recreation of the "Cool Games" event - III m.

Teacher Bortnyk V.V.

28. Vitaliy Ruslanovych Voytenko – 10-B class.

- regional stage III All-Ukrainian physical culture and healthof the "Cool Games" event - III m.

Teacher Bortnyk V.V.

29. Sydoruk Nazar Oleksandrovych -10-B cl.

- regional stage III All-Ukrainian physical culture and healthof the "Cool Games" event - III m.

Teacher Bortnyk V.V.

30. Iryna Sergeyivna Lavryshyk – 7th grade.

- International media festival "Dityatko" - finalist

Head of Nagorn O.V.

31. Davydovska Oleksandra Dmitrivna - 11-B class.

- International media festival "Dityatko" - finalist

Head of Nagorn O.V.

32. Svitach Maksym Bogdanovich - 4-A class.

- regional competition "Young researcher" - III city.

Head Svitach O.V.

33. Olga Vasylivna Svitach - biology teacher

- winner of the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian action "Bird Meeting Day" (nomination "Best organizer of the biological world")

- winner of the All-Ukrainian competition "Gardens of Ukraine"

34. Choreographic collective "Kalynonka"

- regional competition of vocal and choreographic compositions "SunUkraine is in our hands" - II m.

- All-Ukrainian Choreographic Festival-Competition of Children and Youth "Exercise - 2020" - I m.

- International  Canadian-Ukrainian competition "Toronto - 2021" - I m.

  • regional festival-competition "In the Whirlwind of Dance" - II city.

Head Luhova N.S.

35. Ensemble "Triolchyk"

- district competition of vocal ensembles of small forms "We are children yours, Ukraine!" - II m.

- regional competition of vocal and choreographic compositions "Sun Ukraine is in our hands" - II m.

Head V.M. Lugovy

36. Pupils of the "Young Foresters" group

- regional stage of the All-Ukrainian ecological and naturalistic "Bioshield" campaign - I m.

Head Kalush N.V.

37. "Protectors of Nature" team

- district stage of the regional review-competition ecological theaters "In the world of ecological problems" - I m.

  • regional review-competition   of ecological theaters "In the world of ecological problems" - II city. Managers Kurdelchuk L.V.

Komarinska G.V.

38. Lyceum team

- regional stage ІІІ of the All-Ukrainian physical culture and recreation of the "Cool Games" event - III m.

Teacher Bortnyk V.V.

39. Support facility brigade

- the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian take-off of student production crews, labor and agrarian associations of the ZZSO – ІІІ city.

- regional competition of educational and research land plots - ІІІ city.

Head Svitach O.V.

40. Pupils of the "Young Ornithologists" group

- regional stage of the All-Ukrainian ecological and naturalistic "Bioshield" campaign (operation "Bumblebee") - laureates

  • regional stage of the All-Ukrainian action "Bird Meeting Day" - 1st city

Head Svitach O.V.

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