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List of gifted children,

winners of district and regional olympiads, competitions and contests



1.Oliynyk Andriy Serhiyovych - 9-B class.

District Olympics:   

     - mathematics- I m;

     - computer science - I m;

      - English language - III m.

regional Olympiads:    

     - informatics- I m;

  - mathematics - III m;

      - regional tournament of young computer scientists (personal championship) - III.

      - Regional Internet Olympiad in Informatics - III.

2. Brik Iryna Oleksandrivna - 10-A class.

District Olympiad:    

      - Ukrainian language and literature - I m;     

regional Olympiad:    

     - Ukrainian language and literature - III m;  

     - district competition-defense of research works - Ukrainian literature - I city.

     - обласний конкурс-захист науково-дослідницьких робіт – українська  література – ІІІ м .

      - regional language and literature competition named after T.G. Shevchenko - III m.

     - regional Ukrainian language competition named after Petro Yatsik - ІІІ m._cc781905-bb31-94c

3. Ostrovska Anastasia Oleksandrivna - 10-A class.

District Olympiad:    

     - labor training - I m;     

regional Olympiad:   

     - labor training - III m;

      - regional contest "Fairy Tales Lesson" - II m.

4. Semyonova Sofiya Serhiivna - 8-A class.

District Olympiad:    

     - Ukrainian language and literature - III m;

     - біологія – ІІ м.   _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 

      - T.G. Shevchenko District Language and Literary Competition - II m.

     - regional Ukrainian language competition named after Petro Yatsik - II m._cc781905-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

5. Kaspersky Davyd Serhiovych - 11-A class.

District Olympics:    

     - ecology- II m;

     - biology – II m;     

     - district competition-defense of scientific and research works - forestry - I m.

      - regional competition-defense of scientific and research works - forestry - III m.

6. Yury Petrovych Popovych - 10-B class.

District Olympics:  

     - computer science - I m;

     - history – II m;    

  - mathematics - III m.

regional Olympiad:  

     - computer science - II m;

7. Ogrebchuk Victoria Anatolyivna - 11-A class.

District Olympics:    

     - law - I m;      

regional Olympiad:  

     - law - III m;

8. Kateryna Mykolaivna Oksenyuk - 11-A class.

District Olympics:     

  - Ukrainian language and literature - III m;

  - astronomy - II m;    

      - regional language and literature competition named after T.G. Shevchenko - II m.

9. Maryana Oleksandrivna Tkachuk - 10-A class.

District Olympiad:  

       - М biology;

regional Olympiad:    

Biology III – III           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   

10.  Boyko Vladyslav Ivanovich - 9-B class.

District Olympics:  

        - II German language;

     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136 -bad5cf58d_ chemistry;    

Biology III.

11. Davydovska Victoria Dmitrivna - 11-B class.

District Olympics:    

        -_bad-5cf58 German language;

       English language - m_          

12. Ivnytska Inna Viktorivna  - 11-B class.

District Olympiad: - Russian language - I m;

13. Lakatosh Karina Ivanivna - 10-A class.

District Olympiad: - Russian language - I m;

14. Nikol-Marie Albertivna Lukoshchenko - 9-B class.

District Olympiad:- Russian language - I m;

15. Marchuk Inna Viktorivna - 10-B class.

District Olympiad: - German language - III m;

16. Sofiya Ivanivna Horbach - 8-B class.

District Olympiad:  - English language - II m;

17. Regeshuk Oleg Andriyovych - 8th grade (Starosillya village)

District Olympiad:- chemistry - III m;

18. Kateryna Oleksandrivna Kuts - 7th grade (village of Starosillya)

District Olympiad: - physics - II m;

19. Andriy Vitaliyovych Svyridyuk - 11-A class.

District Olympiad:  - physics - II m;

20. Bortnik Nadiya Oleksandrivna - 10-B class.

District Olympiad:- chemistry - I m;

21. Marianna Leonidivna Melnyk - 8-B class.

District Olympiad:  - geography - II m;

22. Filyuk Alina Volodymyrivna - 11-A class.    

District Olympiad:- mathematics - III m;

23. Viktoriya Oleksandrivna Kalush - 9-B class.

district olympiad: - jurisprudence - II m;

24. Viktoria Andriivna Troshchuk - 9-A class.

district olympiad: - labor training - II m;

25. Dmytro Sergeyovich Bilan  - 10-B class.

district olympiad: - labor training - II m;

26. Ihor Yaroslavovych Kamets  - 8-А cl.

district olympiad: - labor training - ІІІ m;

27. Daryna Viktorivna Melnyk - 10-A class.

district Olympiad:  - astronomy - I m;

28. Kaspersky Valentyn Serhiovych - 9-B class

- district competition-defense of scientific and research works - Internet technologies and web design - I m.

- regional competition - defense of research works - Internet technologies and web design -  II m.

29. Bilinska Maria Oleksandrivna - 6-B class.

- T.G. Shevchenko district language and literary competition - I m.

- regional competition in the Ukrainian language named after Petro Yatsyk - II city

- T.G. Shevchenko Regional Language and Literary Competition - II m.

30. Loboda Tymofiy Mykolayovych - 4- B class.

- regional competition in the Ukrainian language named after Petro Yatsyk - II city.

31. Tereshko Ilya Olegovich - 9th grade. (village of Starosillya)

- T.G. Shevchenko district language and literary contest - II city.

32. Chvyr Alina Ivanivna – 5th grade. (Sytnytsia village)

- T.G. Shevchenko district language and literary contest - ІІІ city.

33. Artur Serhiyovych Mandzyuk - 8-A class.

- regional competition-training of creative ideas and business projects "Let's make Volyn better" - II city.

34. Panasiuk Nazar Ivanovich – 8-B class.

- regional competition-training of creative ideas and business projects "Let's make Volyn better" - II city.

35. Ilya Mykolayovych Horbach - 8-A class.

- regional competition-training of creative ideas and business projects "Let's make Volyn better" - III city.

36. Maksym Yuriyovych Khvostiuk – 10-B class.

- regional competition-training of creative ideas and business projects "Let's make Volyn better" - III city.

37. Vasyukhnyk Sofia Oleksandrivna – 11-B class.

- district competition of the modern Ukrainian song "Silver bells" - ІІІ city.

38. Svitach Vadym Bogdanovich - 8-A class.

- the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian labor action "Youth care, Ukraine!" - And m.

39. Tereshko Daryna Serhiivna – 6th grade.

- international judo wrestling tournament for prizes of SC "Tornado" - ІІІ city.

- All-Ukrainian judo tournament among boys and girls, dedicated to St. Nicholas Day - I m.

40. Bortnyk Angelina Volodymyrivna – 6-B class.

- regional festival - competition of children's and youth creativity "Fairy tale lesson" - ІІІ city.

41. Khrystyna Ivanivna Badovska – 5- In class.

- regional competition "School through children's eyes: what it should be" - III city.

42. Meteshko Maria Vasylivna – 5- In class.

- All-Ukrainian Children's and Youth Festival of Arts "Turtles of Victory" - II m.

43. Shavuk Antonina Vasylivna – 8-B class.

- All-Ukrainian children's and youth arts festival "Turtles of Victory" - ІІІ м.

44. Bilan Daryna Serhiivna – 9-A class.

- regional competition of Volyn schoolchildren in athletics (long jump) - ІІІ м.

45. Bohdana Oleksandrivna Kurdelchuk - 9-A class.

- championship of the Volyn region in athletics among the Junior High School - ІІІ.

46. Choreographic collective "Kalynonka"

- international festival-competition of choreographic art "Peer 2019" - II city

-  VI All-Ukrainian festival-competition of folk choreography named after Pavlo Virskyi  - III m.

47. Football team of OZNVK

  • "Zdorovya" district sports event  - II m.

48. Erudite team "Infinity"

  • Volyn regional tournament of the 27th championship of Ukraine on intellectual and developmental games CROCS - ІІІ city.

49. Participants of the language camp

  • All-Ukrainian competition of projects "School-heart of the community" - I m.

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