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regarding national-patriotic education in general educational institutions


    Taking into account the new social and political realities in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity, the circumstances related to Russian aggression, the education of a sense of patriotism in the young generation is becoming increasingly relevant, devotion to the national cause of strengthening the country, active citizenship, etc.

    It is important that each educational institution becomes a center for the child to become a citizen-patriot of Ukraine, ready to take responsibility, selflessly build the country as a sovereign, independent, democratic, legal , a welfare state, ensure its national security, promote the unity of the Ukrainian political nation and the establishment of civil peace and harmony in society.

    An important factor in national-patriotic education is the phenomenon of the Maidan - an eloquent testimony of sacrifice for the unconditional observance of human rights and respect for human dignity, the defense of national interests by the refusal of participants to achieve personal common goal; multilingualism, polyreligiosity. The content of educational events should position the Maidan as a form of peaceful collective protest of Ukrainians unprecedented in world history in response to violations of basic human and citizen rights by the undemocratic political regime in the country.

It is urgent to organize the collection and distribution of information about the heroic deeds of Ukrainian servicemen, fighters of volunteer battalions during the Russian-Ukrainian war, volunteers and other citizens who made a significant contribution to strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities.

Heroic and at the same time dramatic and even tragic events of recent times encourage the renewal of expositions of school museums, reserves and rooms of combat glory, in particular, regarding information about ATO participants and volunteers from the given territory; it is necessary to take patronage over the families of ATO members who need it. In general, it is important to form personal qualities characterized by a valuable attitude to society, the state, oneself and others, nature, work, and art through the means of the content of educational subjects.

    With this in mind, we recommend:

    First, to single out national-patriotic education as one of the most important directions of educational work is a matter that is a strategic task in its importance. No less important is the daily education of respect for the Constitution of the state, legislation, state symbols - the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem.

Secondly, it is necessary to raise national self-awareness in schoolchildren, a willingness to understand moral and cultural values, history, a system of actions motivated by love, faith, will, and awareness of responsibility.

Thirdly, to systematically educate students in a civic position; study and popularization of the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks, preservation and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people; improvement of military-patriotic education of youth, formation of readiness to defend the Motherland.

Fourth, an important aspect of the formation of a nationally self-conscious personality is the education of respect and love for the state language. Mastering the Ukrainian language and using it should become a priority in educational work with children. The language environment should influence the formation of a student-citizen, a patriot of Ukraine.

Fifth, to form the moral qualities of the individual, the culture of behavior, to cultivate a careful attitude to nature, to develop motivation for work.

  To implement these global tasks, systematic work is necessary, which involves ensuring a harmonious relationship of various directions, means, and methods of raising children in the process of education and extracurricular activities.

Forms and methods of educational work, which are the basis of Cossack pedagogy, should be introduced into the educational process.

Thanks to the results of pedagogical research, it has been reliably established that 40 percent of the total educational influence on a child's personality is carried out  by the educational environment in which he is. This number in each specific case of school practice varies according to the characteristics of the region, school, class, its microgroups and individual characteristics of the children themselves. But it should be recognized that among other sources of influence on the formation and development of a child (family, peers, extracurricular educational institutions, etc.), the school occupies a dominant position, so more responsibility is placed on it, and more opportunities open up to it.

In order to create conditions for the realization of every personality and to support the creative, intellectual, and spiritual potential of our nation, it is necessary to modernize  the system of teaching the Ukrainian language, namely:

- in educational and educational activities, strictly adhere to a single language regime;

- to form an informationally and emotionally unique Ukrainian-language space that will ensure the involvement of schoolchildren in the vast linguistic wonderland, in global knowledge about the native language, its laws, the system of its expressive and visual means;

- to foster a responsible attitude towards the native language, conscious use of it;

- promote the manifestation of the Ukrainian mentality, a way of self-awareness and self-identification, the perception of the Ukrainian language as a code of prehistoric memory;

- nurture the development of the spiritual, emotional-aesthetic, intellectual sphere precisely on the basis of the Ukrainian language;

-  through language mediation to involve schoolchildren in national history, in various massifs of national culture, in the deep essence of national life;

- to develop speech not only in lessons of Ukrainian language and literature, but also during the study of all other subjects.

  Educational institutions should also carry out information and educational work with parents aimed at forming  language, history, tolerance, respect for culture and customs and traditions of both Ukrainians and representatives of various nationalities with the participation of psychologists, historians, criminal police officers.

At the same time, it is necessary to intensify the cooperation of pedagogical teams with the bodies of student  and parental self-government regarding the formation in children and young people  of spirituality, moral culture, tolerant behavior, and the ability to live in a civil society.

In the context of the above, we provide methodological recommendations for national-patriotic education in general educational institutions.



    As Oleksandr wrote   Dovzhenko: "A nation that does not know its history is a nation of the blind."  -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  And such people  will always be despised and enslaved. The Ukrainian state will be able to develop only by knowing its past, and remembering that historical consciousness is the highest spiritual value of any nation.

In the spiritual and political life of every nation there are events and years that are forever included in its history, consciousness, determine the nature of existence, place and role in world civilizational processes. In the history of Ukraine, there are many events that proved to the whole world the desire of the Ukrainian people for a free, happy, prosperous life. As history shows, out of thousands of peoples and nationalities of the world, only 200 grew into a nation - created their own states and achieved recognition of the world community, among them - Ukraine.

History lessons lay the foundations of future citizens' historical ideas about the ancient past of the Ukrainian people, their language, culture, mental traits, state and political life, as an integral part of the formation of European civilization. Here  students should acquire basic scientific knowledge that will serve as a foundation for the formation of their historical consciousness and patriotism. Ukrainian patriotism is a phenomenon that reflects everything undeniably valuable in the history of Ukrainian statehood, recognizes the natural regularity of the long-term historical development of the Ukrainian nation and people up to the creation of its statehood.

   Під час уроків історії  вчитель має донести до учнів  ідею_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ of Ukrainian statehood as a consolidating factor in the development of society and the nation as a whole. The history of Russia-Ukraine, the Lithuanian-Russian state, the Zaporizhzhya Sich, Hetmanship, UNR, ZUNR  is a vivid example  of the long state traditions of Ukraine. Highlighting topics related to the restoration  of historical memory  about them, comparative and historical information about the interruption of statehood in other European countries, which today are powerful European nations, as well as historical circumstances that lead to the interruption of statehood. The system of patriotic education provides for the formation of the historical consciousness of the younger generation of Ukrainians, which is based on the study of the history of the struggle of the Ukrainian people for state independence during its historical path, especially in the XX-XXI centuries. the struggle of the Ukrainian people for the right to have their own national state, which should become a guarantee of successful cultural and political development of society.

    When studying the glorious pages of history, it is worth paying attention to that great and bright thing that elevates our nation to the heights of civilization, defines its merits to humanity. After all, Ukrainians are the only Cossack nation in the world. The Cossacks were   a disciplined organization of the Ukrainian people themselves, a primordial form of their self-organization and self-defense in times of adversity based on the ancient custom of Vola. In Cossack times, our people were characterized by a high level of nobility, morality, spirituality, prowess and feats, knowledge and impeccable observance of national traditions and customs. Zaporozhian Sich was and remains today a synonym of freedom, independence, human and national dignity.

In senior classes, it is necessary  to focus attention on  the patriotism and morality of the leaders of the liberation movement, to show the origins of this patriotism. Так  символом патріотизму і жертовності у боротьбі за незалежну Україну  став подвиг   героїв Крут, боротьба за волю Ukrainian insurgents of Kholodny Yar, activities of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, opposition of dissidents to the totalitarian system, etc. Ці та інші теми є надзвичайно емоційними, хвилюючими і дають невичерпні  можливості для розкриття  такої  людської  якості , as self-sacrifice in the name of the nation and the state. Proclamation of the Act of Independence of Ukraine opened a new page in the history of Ukraine.

   The history of Ukraine is not only events, but also historical figures. On the examples of life, activity and struggle for the state of Ukrainian princes, Cossacks, outstanding hetmans B. Khmelnytskyi, I. Mazepa, P. Orlyk; of the entire Ukrainian people and its outstanding representatives - T. Shevchenko, V. Vynnychenko, M. Mikhnovskyi, M. Hrushevskyi, S. Petliura, S. Bandera and many others, the teacher must demonstrate the national dignity of our people, their desire to have their own state.

At all stages of formation, the Ukrainian people demonstrated a high national spirit and a desire to live freely and independently, in peace and harmony with other peoples.  

Особливими мають стати уроки, присвячені революційним  змінам, що відбулись   у листопаді 2013 - березні 2014 р.р., що_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ demonstrated the readiness of the young generation to defend national values, Ukrainian statehood, orientation to the fundamental landmarks of world civilization.        Вчитель must prove to the students that thanks to basic civilizational values it was possible  to demarcate the world of dictatorial values of Eurasianism and universal human values of Europe.

    Події, які пережив народ України упродовж 2013 – 2014 рр.  ще раз засвідчили, which was proclaimed in 1991 state independence requires constant protection,   deep understanding and appreciation of what is happening around us. That is why in the lessons dedicated to the present, special attention is paid to the role of the participants  of the hostilities in the East of Ukraine and volunteers. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Teachers should thoroughly study the terms "patriotism", "nation", and their understanding by students. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that patriotism in the present time manifests itself not only in the direct struggle in the East with an external enemy, not only in emergency situations, but is a normal state of everyday human life.

    In history lessons, the education of civic consciousness, dignity and honor takes place in a harmonious combination of national and universal values, the affirmation of the ideals of humanism, democracy, goodness and justice. The teacher must make students aware of the common interests  of all ethnic groups of the Ukrainian people in the development of Ukraine, the formation of inter-ethnic tolerance, the need to develop spiritual, physical perfection, moral, artistic-aesthetic, legal, labor, environmental culture_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ etc.

      At the same time, one of the teacher's tasks is the maximum use of the potential of creative abilities and talents of students. Intellectual games, discussions, debates, press conferences, "round table" meetings, thematic dialogues, business games and other interactive forms of work will emotionally enrich the lessons. It is recommended to widely use documents, memories, film and photo materials, sound recordings, works of art, which will help to create an appropriate emotional atmosphere in the lessons, will strengthen the educational impact of the educational material.

Educators should focus students' attention on the role of our Ukrainian scientists in the development of science, revive forgotten names. National-patriotic education of youth, which is decisive in the formation of spiritual values of youth, is more relevant today than ever. After all, spirituality and a high level of consciousness are the basis of the future political, economic and cultural development of our country. And the vocation of educational institutions is to ensure that, in addition to solid professional knowledge, young people - tomorrow's elite of the country - also form a spiritually rich and nationally conscious worldview, realize themselves as participants in state-building processes and a sense of responsibility for them.



NEC "Kolkiv Secondary School I - III Levels - Lyceum"







The first lesson

Ukraine is a single country






Sadovy M.V.







2014 year


The first lesson. (6th grade)



  • to acquaint students with the main historical events of the formation of Ukrainian statehood;

  • to form a sense of belonging to Ukraine, self-awareness as a Ukrainian, a sense of personal responsibility for the fate of the state and the Ukrainian people;

  • to cultivate respect for state symbols, a respectful attitude towards the traditions of Ukrainians and representatives of other nationalities inhabiting the country;

  • to form a sense of patriotism and national consciousness, to cultivate love for the Motherland;

  • to develop speech and thinking, the ability to work in groups.

Equipment:"Map of Ukraine", aphorisms of famous people about patriotism and unity, posters "Flag of Ukraine", "Hymn of Ukraine", "Coat of Ukraine", presentation "My country" 

My Ukraine,

i hear your voice

Wheat is your ear

A seed is sown in my soul,

My Ukraine,

Viburnum cradle,

I was given happiness to know you.


I. Organizational moment.

Teacher: So you sat down at the desk again at school. Congratulations on the first lesson of your first day at school. Today, our festive line-up began with the performance of the National Anthem of Ukraine "Ukraine is not dead yet". A great spiritual elation came over each of us from the joint performance of this solemn song.

II. Open dialogue.

Teacher: The anthem is not an ordinary song, it is a solemn song of our country, it is a symbol of state unity and a reflection of the soul of the Ukrainian people.

  • Let's think at what moments in our lives does the National Anthem of Ukraine sound?

  • How often do you hear the words of the National Anthem today?

  • What feelings do you have when you hear and sing the Anthem?

III. Message of the topic of the first lesson.

Teacher: Anthem is one of the symbols of unification of people.

  • What other state symbols do we know?

  • Can we say that these state symbols of Ukraine are of great importance for the unity of the people today?

  • Why? …

Therefore, the topic of our first lesson: "Ukraine is a single country"

(The student recites a poem by Oleg Kolibaba,

Only in unity, we know, we must go

To build a new future.

Do not divide by faith and language, brothers!

And then there will be luck.

We are united in our thoughts and we are free in them.

Do not be guided by the "scoop dictate"!

What we build, they will not build

You should have only one goal.

Teacher: Ukraine is a generous land under a cornflower sky, it is thoughtful steppes, wide fields, dense forests and mountain peaks. These are blue lakes and rivers, viburnum by the window, a crane in the sky and a nightingale in the meadow. This is the native home, the road to school, this is the native language and the lullaby, this is mom and dad and the whole family. This is all our Motherland, our land, our Ukraine.

(The student recites the poem "Ukraine")


My Ukraine, you are the only one for me,

Like a mother who gave life.

And happiness days and in disastrous days

I'll get back to you from there.

I bow to native willows and poplars

And I will fall to my native land.

That I have such a happy fate,

Great God, thank you.


Teacher: And now I suggest you feel like experts of our culture. Answer the questions.

1. The colors of our national flag? What do they mean? (yellow and blue).

2. Tell the first lines of the National Anthem (…).

3. President of Ukraine (Petro Poroshenko).

4. The tree that is consecrated in the church before Easter. It protects against evil forces (willow).

5. The ancient rite of celebrating the Christmas holidays with songs (carol).

6. The bush is sung in Ukrainian folk songs, a symbol of maiden beauty (viburnum).

7. Tree-symbol, with which slender girls are compared in Ukrainian folk songs and tales (poplar).

8. Ukrainian folk wind instrument made of wood or reed, shaped like a tube with holes (pipe).

9. What do Ukrainian girls decorate their heads with (wreath).

10. National symbol of Ukraine. Mothers give it to their children for luck, for luck, when they go on a long journey (towel).

IV. Teacher's word: a trip to the past

Teacher: Ukraine is a country of tragedies and beauty, a country where freedom is loved the most and known the least, a country of passionate love for the people and black betrayal of it, of a long, age-long heroic struggle for freedom. The path of Ukraine is marked by high steppe graves, ruins and beautiful places.

(The student recites the poem "Homeland")

There is something sacred in the words my native land

For me, this is a tender song of my mother

And the native garden, snow-white with flowers

And that viburnum grove in a quiet meadow.

His story…. There is so much bitterness in it!

And you are even more dear to me, dear to the land,

That already back broken bridges,

And the day rises like a rainbow, fair.


Teacher: Ukraine today is an independent state, part of Europe, a huge territory with a huge population. And let's remember its historical past - a boundless struggle, a majestic rush of will, an eternal clash with people who wanted to divide the land on which our ancestors lived and our children will live.

The majestic campaigns of the princes during the time of Kievan Rus, raids on the Tatar Cossacks accompanied by hetmans, riots led by Oleksa Dovbush and Maksym Zaliznyak, the protection of national rights during the First and Second World Wars, the separation from the USSR and the formation of an independent state do not escape our memory. . People fought because they felt part of one whole, understood that no one would build their future for them. For years, we were weaned from language, traditions, culture and even history. They wanted to destroy us as a nation.



For many centuries, Ukrainians dreamed of an independent state. In the mid-1980s of the 20th century, the struggle of the Ukrainian people for independence began again.

On August 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Act of Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine.

This document terminated the existence of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and proclaimed the creation of an independent state — Ukraine. The day of adoption of this Act is a national holiday.

Since that time, only the Constitution and laws of Ukraine have been in force on the territory of Ukraine.

In order to make sure of the support of the population, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine called on all citizens to confirm their decision by voting — on December 1, 1991, during the referendum for the independence of Ukraine

The declaration of Ukraine's independence opened a new page in its history.

Five years after gaining independence, on June 28, 1996, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the Constitution of Ukraine

The capital of Ukraine is the city of Kyiv.


V. "Microphone" exercise

We are patriots, daughters and sons

I will overcome everything in life for your sake!

Because you are the best, my land is clear,

We do not choose our motherland and mother! 

Teacher: Turning to the historical past of the Ukrainian nation, understanding its spiritual values, we see the best features of our ancestors: patriotism, love of freedom, respect for one's nation.

  • But is it easy to be a patriot?

  • Do you consider yourself patriots of your country?

  • Why?

(Children express their opinion)

Teacher: Let's pay attention to the aphorisms of famous people about love for the Motherland, patriotism and the unity of the people.

 And how do you understand these aphorisms?


They love their homeland not because it is big, but because it is their own. (Seneca)

He who does not love his country cannot love anything. (D. Byron)

You will forget your native land - your withered roots. (P. Tychyna)

Patriotism is not love for an idea, but love for the motherland. (V. Rasputin)

He who abandons his people in trouble becomes their enemy. (Ch. Aitmatov)

The Motherland is not someone and somewhere, I am also the Motherland. (I. Svitlichnyi)

The Ukrainian people do not need sympathy - they need patriots. I need you! (I. Oliynyk)


Teacher: Children, we are Ukrainians by nationality. And now, living in Kolki, we call ourselves   KOLKIV people.


  • Maybe you know something about your grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandparents?

  • Where do they come from?

  • Do you love and respect them?


So, not everyone who lives in Kolki today was from Kolki.

  • And let's consider whether all who live on the territory of Ukraine are Ukrainians by nationality?

  • Who else lives here?

  • Can we say that Ukraine is a multinational country?


Teacher: Each person's homeland begins with their hometown or village and unites completely different people who are patriots of their country.

VI. Work in groups

Teacher: To understand Ukraine, you need to see its beauty, feel the greatness of its history, touch its culture, customs and traditions, get to know its generous, hardworking people who love their country with all their hearts. As Vyacheslav Lypinsky said: "Without tradition there is no culture, without culture there is no nation."

 And today we will have a great opportunity to compete and remember what we already know about our native Ukraine. Task:

  • Tell a poem by a Ukrainian poet...

  • Sing a Ukrainian song...

  • Name a landmark of our district, region, village...

  • To continue the proverb:

1) The scientist has the world, and the unscientist…..darkness

2) It is good to teach someone who wants to know everything.

3) The head is not for wearing only ... a cap.

4) The book teaches how to live in the …… world.

5) Ask people, but your mind.... May

6) A good start is half the battle.

7) A little work is better than a great …… idleness.

8) The bee is small, but it also …… works.

9) The age of live is the age of ... learn.


VII. Work in pairs with a map of Ukraine. The game "Put together the puzzle "My Ukraine"

Teacher: Thank you for your participation. Everyone proved to be a connoisseur of Ukrainian culture. You already know a lot about Ukraine.

 And tell me, how many regions does our state have? Name them. Name the regional centers. (One student writes the names of regions and their centers on the board).

Teacher: Now our country is going through difficult times and everyone is trying to help, to contribute to the future. We remember our heroes who fought against injustice this winter, stood to death for the independence of our country. They are called the "Heavenly Hundred", a low bow to them. We heart and soul are with those who these days are defending our freedom in the east of Ukraine, we remember those who gave their lives for our happy future. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence... (minute of silence)

VIII. Interactive exercise "With warmth in the heart" (Wishes to Ukraine)

Teacher: I really want peace to reign in our country... What would you like?

IX. Result

Teacher: Remember, children, you are the future of Ukraine. Also, multiply its culture with your knowledge, work, achievements, glorify it with your achievements. Be worthy of your ancestors, love your native land, protect the will and independence of Ukraine, respect your people and their melodious language. Respect yourself and your dignity, and you will be respected by others. 



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