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Basic requirements for student works

Basic requirements for writing, design and presentation of student research papers


1.Works of a problem (research) nature are submitted to the competition, which correspond to the age interests and cognitive abilities of the students, testify to the awareness of the participant of the competition regarding the current state of the field of research, his mastery of the experimental methodology.

The topics of research works must correspond to the directions of the sections of the scientific departments of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2.Each work must be based on a certain scientific and experimental base, contain its own data from experiments, observations or research work; their processing, analysis and generalization; refer to relevant scientific sources and reflect the researcher's own position.

The work should clearly reflect the following aspects: definition of the goal, object and subject of the research, task, research methodology, distinction and advantage of the proposed approaches and results. The content and results of research are presented concisely, logically, competently and with arguments, without general words, reasoning, unproven statements, tautology.

The title of the paper should be concise and correspond to the essence of the scientific problem (task) being solved.

3.Reviews of academic supervisors and reviews of relevant experts (experienced teachers, scientists, specialists from a certain field) must be added to the scientific work.

The reliability of the results presented in the work is confirmed by the scientific supervisor in the feedback.

4.The scientific research work is drawn up in two copies: one is used by the jury during the assessment of the work, the second - by the participant during the defense. Copies must be identical.

5.Papers whose topic and content do not correspond to the profile of the section will not be accepted for consideration; works that were presented in previous years and do not have significant revisions; plagiarized works; compilative works without independent research, elaboration of sources and own conclusions on the chosen topic.

The authors of these works after the stage of extramural research evaluation

works receive an appropriate review and are not allowed to participate in the next stages of the competition.

Also, works without theses, edited and designed in accordance with these requirements, will not be accepted for consideration.

Structure of work

The work must be built according to a certain structure. Its main elements in the order of arrangement are: title page, theses, table of contents, list of notations (if necessary), introduction, main part, conclusions, list of used sources, appendices (if necessary).

Requirements for the content of the work

1.Title page.

The title page is the first page of the work, which is filled out according to the sample.


Theses (text up to 1 page) contain a concise description of the content of the scientific research work with a definition of the main goal, relevance and tasks of the scientific research. They also note the conclusions and obtained results of the work carried out.

The title of theses contains the following data: title of work; surname, first name, patronymic of the author; the name of the territorial branch of MANU; the name of the basic extracurricular educational institution; school; class; settlement; last name, first name, patronymic, position (if available - academic degree, academic title) of the scientific supervisor.


Content is provided at the beginning of the work. It contains the titles and page numbers of all chapters, subsections and paragraphs (if they have a heading), including the introduction, chapter conclusions, general conclusions, appendices, bibliography, etc.

The content should actually be a plan of research work and reflect the essence of the problem, the structure and logic of the research.

4.List of conventions, symbols, abbreviations and terms (if necessary).

If the work uses specific terminology, as well as little-known abbreviations, new symbols, designations, etc., then their list is provided in the form of a separate list, which is placed before the introduction.

The list should be arranged in two columns. Conventional designations, symbols, abbreviations or terms are listed on the left in alphabetical order, their detailed interpretation is on the right .

If special terms, abbreviations, symbols, designations, etc. are repeated less than three times in the work, the list is not compiled, and their decoding is given in the text at the first mention.


The introduction briefly substantiates the relevance and expediency of the chosen topic, emphasizes the essence of the problem; the purpose of the work and the content of the tasks, the object and subject of the research are formulated, a list of the research methods used is presented; a description of the work is given (theoretical, applied); the new scientific provisions proposed by the participant of the competition personally, the difference of the obtained results from the previously known ones and the degree of novelty (obtained for the first time, improved, acquired further development) are indicated; reports on the scientific use of research results or recommendations for their use, for applied works — the applied value of the obtained results.

If ideas or developments belonging to co-authors are used in the work, this fact should be noted and the specific personal contribution of the participant should be noted. Information about the publication of the work and the approval of its results (if available) is also indicated.

The volume of the introduction – 2-3 pages.

6.Main part.

The main part of the research work consists of sections, subdivisions, points, subsections.

Each chapter starts on a new page. The main text of the chapter may be preceded by a short preface with a description of the chosen direction and justification of the applied research methods. At the end of each section, conclusions are formulated with a concise statement of the scientific and practical results presented in the section, which makes it possible to free the main conclusions from secondary details.

In the main part of the work, a description of the sources for writing the work and a brief review of the literature on this topic (should not exceed 20% of the volume of the main part) are given, the main stages of scientific thought on a given problem are outlined, and questions that remain unresolved are indicated; the choice of the direction of research is substantiated, the research methodology and technique are given; information on the scope of the study is provided; the obtained results are presented, analyzed and summarized, and their assessment is given.

The content of the main part should exactly correspond to the topic of the work and fully disclose it.


The conclusions should contain a concise statement of the results of the solution of the scientific problem and the set tasks, made in the process of analysis of the selected material, assessments and generalizations. It is necessary to emphasize their independence, novelty, theoretical and (or) applied value, emphasize the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the obtained results, justify the reliability of the results and give recommendations for their use.


The list of used sources  is an element of the bibliographic apparatus, which contains bibliographic descriptions of the used sources.

The list of used sources should be placed in one of the following ways: in the order of appearance of references in the text (the most convenient to use and recommended when writing the paper), in alphabetical order of the first authors' surnames or titles, in chronological order.

Information on sources is compiled in accordance with the requirements specified in the standards: DSTU GOST 7.1 – 84 "SIBID. Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and drafting rules", DSTU 3582  - 97 "Information and documentation. Abbreviations of words in the Ukrainian language in the bibliographic description. General requirements and rules", DSTU 3008 - 95 "Documentation. Reports in the field of science and technology. Structure and design rules".


the book by three authors is designed as follows: Dudyuk D. L., Maksimov V. M., Orikhovsky R. Ya. Electrical measurements: Education. manual - L.: Afisha, 2003. - 260 p.

collection: Yu. I. Tsekov Subtext of the work of art and the world view of the writer // Problems of modern literature. - Odesa, 1998. - P. 149-180.

article from the magazine: I.M. Dzyuba Ukraine before the sphinx of the future // Scientific world. - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 2-6.

Electronic sources are drawn up in accordance with the general rules for describing literary sources, while in square brackets after the name it is indicated: [Electronic resource]. At the end - Access mode:

For example: Korolko L.M. "Holodomor 1932-1933 in Svativ region". - [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Links to sites, portals, Internet resources are placed separately at the end of the list of used sources without numbering under the heading: "INTERNET RESOURCES". For example:


The appendices contain auxiliary or additional materials necessary for a complete understanding of the work, a better understanding of the obtained results: intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas and calculations, additional tables, graphs, drawings, illustrations, etc.

Rules of registration of work

1.General requirements.

The research paper is printed in the Times New Roman font of the Word (or Open Office) text editor, size 14, on one side of a sheet of white A4 paper with a spacing of 1.5 (up to 30 lines per page).

Поля: ліве, верхнє і нижнє — не менше 20 мм, праве — не менше 10 мм.

The volume of research work is 15-20 (for humanitarian areas 20-25) printed pages. The total volume of research work does not include: theses, appendices, list of used sources, tables and figures that occupy the entire page area. The text of the work must be written correctly, without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.

Scientific and research works are performed in the state language (in the Russian language and Russian literature sections, it is allowed to be written in Russian); an annotation in a foreign language is added to the work in a foreign language. The defense of work is also conducted in a foreign language.

Each structural part of the research work begins with a new page. Headings of structural parts are printed in capital letters symmetrically to the set: "CONTENTS", "LIST OF CONVENTIONAL ABBREVIATIONS", "INTRODUCTION", "CHAPTER", "CONCLUSIONS", "LIST OF USED SOURCES", "APPENDICES". Headings of subsections are printed in small letters (except for the first capital letter) with paragraph indentation. Headings of points are printed in small letters (except for the first capital letter) with paragraph indentation in line with the text.

The distance between the title (except for the paragraph title) and the text should be equal to 3-4 spaces.

2.Numbering rules in work.

The numbering of pages, sections, subsections, points, figures, tables, and formulas is given in Arabic numerals without the number sign.

All pages of the work, including the title page, theses and appendices, are subject to continuous numbering, the number is not placed on the title page, and on the following pages it is placed in the upper right corner of the page without a period at the end.

Only sections of the main part are numbered. Contents, introduction, conclusions are not numbered, that is, you cannot print: "1. INTRODUCTION" or "CHAPTER 6. FINDINGS".

The section number is placed after the word "CHAPTER", no dot is placed after the number. The section heading is printed on a new line.

Subsections are numbered within each section according to the rule: (section number). (section number). There should be a period at the end of the subdivision number, for example: "2.4.". The title of the subsection is given in the same line.

Clauses are numbered within each subsection as follows: (section number). (section number). (clause number), for example: "2.3.4.". The title of the item is given on the same line, but the item may not have a title.

There is no period at the end of the names of sections, subdivisions, and points.

Formulas are numbered within a section. For example, "formula (2.3)" means "formula 3 of chapter 2" (the presence of subsections does not affect the numbering). Formulas to which there are no references may not be numbered. The number must be enclosed in parentheses and placed on the right margin of the page at the level of the bottom line of the formula to which it relates.

Figures are numbered within the section with Arabic numerals (similarly to formulas and subsections) and are marked with the word "Figure", for example "Figure 1.2".

Tables are numbered consecutively within a section. In the upper right corner above the table title is placed the inscription "Table" with its number. The table number consists of the section number and the serial number of the table, between which a period is placed, for example: "Table 2.3".

Appendices are drawn up as a direct continuation of the work on the following pages. They are placed in the order of references in the text of the work. Each of the applications should be placed on a separate page. The application should have a title that is printed at the top symmetrically with respect to the text. Appendices are numbered in capital Ukrainian letters and marked with the word "Appendix", for example: "Appendix B".

3.Citation rules and references to used sources.

When writing a research paper, the student must refer to scientific sources, materials, ideas, conclusions, and results used in the work. This gives an opportunity to check the given information. Reference should be made to the latest editions of publications.

If the work uses information from materials with a large number of pages, then the page numbers, illustrations, tables, and formulas from the source should be accurately indicated.

References in the text of the work to sources are indicated by a serial number in the list of references, separated by two square brackets, for example, "... in works [1-7]...".

If it is necessary to refer to specific information in the text of the research work, the citation is given in quotation marks, and the references are placed in square brackets with the serial number of the source in the list of used sources and the corresponding page. For example: "... acquiring scientific knowledge involves working with facts that characterize a certain phenomenon, developing a scientific hypothesis (theory) that explains this or that phenomenon and setting up an experiment to prove the proposed theory [8, p. 37]".

According to scientific etiquette, the text of the quote must be accurately reproduced and cited in full so as not to distort the author's thoughts. Omission of words, sentences, paragraphs when quoting is allowed without distorting the author's text and is indicated by three dots. In the text of the work, indirect citation of the author is allowed (retelling, presentation of the author's thoughts in his own words), while the author's thoughts should be accurately expressed and appropriate references to the source should be given.

References to illustrations in the text of the work are indicated by the serial number of the illustration, for example, "fig. 1.2".

References to formulas are indicated by the serial number of the formula in parentheses, for example "... in formula (2.1)".

На  всі  таблиці   роботи  мають _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_бути посилання  в  тексті,  при  цьому слово «таблиця» в тексті пишуть скорочено , for example: " the table 1.2".

In repeated references to tables and illustrations, the abbreviated word "see" should be indicated, for example: "see. table 1.3".

4.Formula design rules.

Formulas in the text of the work are located immediately after the reference to them. They are separated from the text by intervals of one line at the top and bottom and are located in the middle of the page. Formulas, if they are bulky and complex, are located on separate lines, this also applies to numbered formulas. Several small formulas of the same type are presented in one line separated by a comma, and sometimes small simple formulas are placed directly in the text.

Transfers in the formula are allowed only on the signs of equality, plus, minus, multiplication and division with repetition of the sign in the next line.

The symbols and coefficients given in the formula are described directly below it in the sequence in which they are mentioned in the formula. The value of each symbol or numerical coefficient is given on a new line. The first line begins with the word "de" without a colon.

The formula number is placed on the right side of the page at the bottom line level.

5.Rules for designing illustrations and tables.

Illustrative material in the work is used for the purpose of more clearly presenting the results of research and their justification. The following types of illustrative materials are most often used in research works: drawings, figures, tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs.

All illustrations are indicated in the text of the work.

The name of the illustration is placed immediately after its number, at the bottom.

The digital material of the work is drawn up in the form of tables. The word "Table" begins with a capital letter, is written in italics and is placed in the upper right corner of the page, and its name is in the middle, symmetrical to the text and is given in bold.

An example of building a table


Graph headings should begin with uppercase letters, subheadings ¾ with lowercase letters if they form one sentence with the heading, and with uppercase letters if they are independent. The height of the lines should be at least 8 mm. It is not necessary to include the column with the serial numbers of the rows in the table.

The table is placed (after the first mention of it) in the text so that it can be read without rotating the bound manuscript block or with clockwise rotation.

A table with a large number of rows can be moved to the next page. If the table is transferred to another sheet, the word "Table", its number and name are not repeated, then the words "Continued" are written above the other parts on the right. table." and only the table number is indicated, for example: "Cont. table 1.2".



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