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Стипендіат Президента

Pavlo Bilinskyi– Scholar of the President of Ukraine 2017, bronze prize-winner of the All-Ukrainian competition for defense of research works of the Small Academy of Sciences in the section "Computer systems and networks", winner of the school competition "Student of the Year" - 2016, 2017, 2018.

Winners of the school competition "Student of the Year" - 2021

"Прометей науки" - Кубай Богдан;
"Творчий злет" - Бобік В'ячеслав;
"Творчий злет" - Білінська Марія;
"Надія майбутнього" - Паньків Богдана

Winners of the school competition "Student of the Year" - 2021

Переможці шкільного конкурсу "Учень року" - 2022

Winners of the school competition "Student of the Year" - 2021


Oleiynyk Andriy "Prometheus of Science"

учень року

Воронюк Іванна "Творчий злет"

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