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Conditions that need to be created for the optimal development of a child's creative abilities


Useful recommendations for the teacher, developed by the American psychologist J. Gowen


  1. Create comfortable and safe psychological conditions for the child to search.

  2. Support your child's creativity and empathize with failures. Avoid negative evaluation of the child's creative ideas.

  3. Patiently accept her most amazing ideas, be attentive to any questions of the child. Try to answer all the questions, even if they seem silly. Explain that most of her questions cannot always be answered immediately. This requires time and patience. The child must learn to be in intellectual tension.

  4. Give the child the opportunity to be alone. Excessive care hinders creativity. Children's wishes and goals belong to them, so sometimes the teacher's help can be perceived as a "violation of the boundaries" of the individual.

  5. Help the child to create a value system based not only on his own views, but also on the opinions of other people.

  6. Create the conditions for the child to satisfy basic human needs (a sense of security, respect for oneself and others), since a person whose energy is directed only to this has fewer opportunities to reach a high level of development.

  7. Find words of support for the child's new creative endeavors, do not criticize his first endeavors, even unsuccessful ones. Treat the child sincerely.

  8. Help the child to become a "moderate adventurer", sometimes to rely on risk and intuition: most likely, this is what will help to make a real discovery.

  9. Maintain the atmosphere necessary for creativity, helping to avoid the disapproval of those around you, social troubles, and the negative reaction of peers. A child deprived of a positive creative output of energy can direct it in an undesirable direction.

  10. Help the child to find a friend of the same age and with the same abilities as him, to get rid of loneliness and lack of communication.

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