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1. The teacher speaks very quietly, pronounces certain words indistinctly, it is difficult for students to follow the progress of the story

Ask if the students sitting at the last desks can hear you; when preparing for the lesson, record the explanation of the educational material on a tape recorder several times, and then listen at a distance equal to the distance from the teacher's desk to the back desk

2. The voice is excessively loud, schoolchildren get tired quickly

Constantly change the tone of your voice depending on the content of the material and types of learning activities

3. The teacher speaks at a very fast pace, the students are unable to follow the development of his thoughts, they are gradually excluded from the educational work

Remember that the speed of speaking in class should not exceed 40-50 words per minute. 3 check yourself at home from time to time with the help of a tape recorder, and use self-control in class.

4. When explaining the educational material, the teacher directs his gaze to the walls, overhead or out the window

Try to keep all students in your field of vision, imperceptibly shifting your gaze from one to another; try to determine from their eyes how they perceive the content of your story

5. The teacher admits language mistakes: Russianisms, incorrect use of accents

When preparing for the lesson, check the correctness of using certain language forms with the help of a dictionary. On the banks of your workbook, write down the most difficult words, put accents, underline with red ink, practice at home in the pronunciation of individual words, expressions

6. The teacher uses complex scientific terms borrowed from foreign languages, incomprehensible words

Avoid saturating the language with foreign words, complex scientific terms. Always try to find an equivalent word or expression in your native language. In cases where a certain term or word does not have an exact equivalent in the native language, stop at the explanation of the etymology of this word, write it on the board, and let the students record it in their dictionaries or workbooks

7. The teacher interrupts his story from time to time with pauses to make remarks to the students, raising his voice, speaking with irritation

Try not to break the logical canvas of your story. If someone violates discipline, pause and focus on a specific pet. You can approach him and quietly ask him not to disturb

8. During the explanation of the educational material, he is in the same position (standing next to the chair, firmly clasping his hands on its back, or in front of the blackboard, nervously fiddling with his fingers)

Avoid static posture. Use  visual aids, technical training aids. Constantly practice overcoming nervous tension

9. During the independent work of the students, the teacher “runs” around the class, tapping her heels, or tries to walk on her tiptoes at the first request for help

Teach students to independently complete tasks. Take care of shoes that do not knock and do not attract attention. Walk around the class respectfully, confidently

10. The teacher writes illegibly on the board, distorting the letters. Wipes only a part of the board, leaves a fragment of previous entries on the other

Before writing on the board, you should completely erase the unnecessary. Restore the ability to write letters clearly and correctly

11. Placing tables or cards on the board, the teacher obscures part of the illustrative material. When he needs to write something on the board, he looks for a place between the tables

Maps and large tables should be hung to the right or left of the board on special bars, leaving it free for writing. When working with a map or table, use a pointer, and stand to the side yourself

12. Addressing some students, the teacher points with a finger, adding: "Here you are," etc.

Remember the names and surnames of all your pets as you should. When addressing a particular student in class, say first name or last name and first name, adding "Please"

13. The teacher enters the classroom 2-3 minutes after the call for the lesson

Enter the classroom 1-2 seconds after the second bell for the lesson, thus demonstrating punctuality and economical attitude to study time

14. The teacher, interviewing students, formulates questions vaguely

Key questions for testing knowledge, abilities and skills carefully prepare for the lesson, make sure that they encourage students to think, promote the activation of thinking

15. During the oral test of knowledge, the teacher prefers to communicate only with one or two students, without controlling the activities of others

Constantly learn to divide attention. This will allow you to listen carefully to the answers of the students, while monitoring those who are doing the tasks at the board, seeing all the students. If you feel difficulty, use special exercises

16. The student answers the question, while the teacher is talking to another student or indifferently looking out the window

Show focused attention to the student and genuine interest in the content of their answer, as if you were hearing it for the first time.

17. After the greeting, the students, sitting at the desks, continue to chatter, and the teacher, trying to block the noise, begins to tell something

After saying hello, focus your attention on the students, keep silent until the class is quiet. Only after that, invite them to sit down and immediately involve them in a specific activity

18. During the explanation of new material, individual students start talking, others join them. But the teacher continues the story

Try to notice the slightest violations of behavior by individual students, not giving the opportunity to involve others in this process. Take a pause, look carefully at the undisciplined student, express your displeasure with facial expressions and gestures. Analyze the content and methods of work: if students have lost interest in your story, you need to look for other means of presenting the material

19. In the lesson, the teacher examines the negative actions and actions or conflicts of the students, which leads to wasting time and nervous excitement of the pupils

Try to neutralize the negative actions of pupils by means of "substitution", that is, by immediately switching their attention to another type of activity, primarily educational. Analyze conflicts within the framework of the lesson

20. The schoolboy was a few minutes late. The teacher stops the educational work and finds out the reasons for the delay, resorts to moralizing

Express your displeasure to the student with facial expressions and, without stopping work, gesture to him to sit at the desk. Only after the lesson can you find out the reasons for being late and make an appropriate remark

21. The student does not want to work in class, demonstrating it in every way. The teacher tries everything to involve him in educational work, resorting  even to authoritarian means of influence

You should not violently react to such behavior of a schoolboy. Better to leave him alone. If all students in the class are actively performing a specific task, an undisciplined student can calm down and also get involved in the work

22. The teacher, after listening to the student's answer, evaluates it without arguing. To the student's question: "Why the low score?" answers: "Because you don't know enough about this material"

Always try to analyze the answers, emphasizing the positive and pointing out the mistakes. You can also encourage the student to introspect

23. The teacher evaluates students based on his personal attitude towards them

Be objective in evaluating knowledge — do not show your own likes or dislikes. This leads to the teacher's loss of authority

24. Under the pressure of parents or students, the teacher sometimes changes the previously assigned points, especially by applying "post-lesson points"

Be firm and consistent when assessing students' knowledge. If mistakes are made in the presence of all students, analyze the situation,   apologize and give another score

25. At the end of the semester, striving to have a good performance indicator of the class team or under pressure from students or their parents, the teacher sometimes liberally treats the final assessment

Always be objective. If one of the students or parents does not agree with the future final grade for the semester, you can, by setting a range of educational tasks to work on certain sections, carefully check the level of knowledge in the presence of all students (or even parents) and objectively evaluate it, not allowing the slightest fastidiousness

26. The teacher is excessively talkative, communicates too much information, wants to impress students with his erudition

Avoid talkativeness and ostentatious displays of erudition, as this distracts students from the main thing - mastering the topic of the lesson. Consider the specific mental abilities of students

27. The teacher tries to check how the students understood the educational material, finding out who among them and what questions arose

It is necessary to find out the degree of awareness of the essence of what has been learned by offering students a problematic task

28. The teacher calls a certain student and then asks him a question

The question should be asked to the whole class, and then a certain student should be asked to answer it

29. While explaining new material or instructing students, the teacher keeps his hands in his pockets, turns keys in his hands, fiddles with small money, sits on the windowsill or on the edge of the table, "plays" with glasses, buttons, a tie or curls, often fixes his hair, curls mustache etc

Try to get rid of such habits. You can write them down on a piece of paper, hang them over your desk at home as a reminder: "I have to get rid of these habits!"

30. Indecisiveness, desire to avoid, bypass difficult moments in communication with students

Remember and understand: no one will solve pedagogical tasks for you. Actively and persistently overcome difficulties that arise in the process of communicating with schoolchildren

31. The teacher tries to solve all problems, including personal ones, faced by individual students in the presence of the whole class

There are issues that can only be discussed face to face

32. The teacher shows excessive severity

Strictness is also necessary, of course, within reasonable limits. But your main weapon should be healthy humor

33. The teacher focuses attention on the mistakes of the students, reproaches them, which often becomes the reason for the negative attitude of the pupils towards him

First of all, celebrate the successes (even the smallest) in the education of each student, encourage them for their diligence, in every possible way form the students' faith in their own strengths and capabilities

34. The teacher shows petty pickiness, often threatens students: "I'll show you!", "Stand in a corner," "Shut up, because you'll go to the director!" etc.

Not a single teacher, adhering to the authoritarian-team style of relations, has yet been able to achieve significant success in educational work. Communication should be based on the principle: "The greatest respect for the individual and, at the same time, the greatest demands on him"

35. For the slightest violation of discipline, the teacher intimidates the student with an entry in the diary, believing that such an entry will force the parents to take care of their child's education

Resolutely refuse it. In this way, you form a negative attitude towards yourself in the pet. Be sure to write in the diary to thank the parents for their child's academic success, discipline, diligence, kindness, etc.

36. After starting to perform independent tasks, students ask the teacher about the order of actions, methods of work

Before engaging students in independent work, it is necessary to arm them with rational methods of action, based on the content of the task, to help them orient themselves in the sequence of educational operations

37. During independent activities, some of the students turn to the teacher for help at the slightest difficulty, which he is quick to provide

You should not rush to help when it comes to small things. After all, this does not contribute to the development of mental abilities and opportunities, the formation of independent learning skills. Let schoolchildren learn to overcome difficulties by their own efforts

38. Explaining the educational material, the teacher makes notes on the board; at the same time covers them with himself

It is necessary to try to stand to the right of the board, and also step back from time to time so that the students can clearly see what is written on it.


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