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at the meeting

 General Student Conference

of the supporting institution "Kolkiv Lyceum"

pr. No. 1 dated 09/04/2021 



1. The rules of student behavior are based on the laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, local self-government bodies, and the School Charter.

2. The student comes to school 15-20 minutes before the start of classes, clean and tidy, takes his workplace at the first bell, prepares all the necessary educational materials for the upcoming lesson.

3. Weapons, including knives, explosives, and incendiary substances, may not be brought onto the school grounds for any purpose or used in any way; alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs and other intoxicants and poisons, as well as toxic substances and pills.

4. The use of obscene expressions and gestures is prohibited.

5. It is not possible to leave the school and its territory during school hours without the permission of teachers or a nurse (in agreement with parents).

6. In case of missing classes, the student must present to the class teacher a certificate or a note from parents (persons who are replacing them) about the reason for absence from classes. In case of absence for more than three days, the student must present a certificate from a medical institution.

7. A school student must show respect for elders, take care of younger ones. Schoolchildren give way to adults, older to younger, boys to girls.

8. Outside the school, students behave everywhere and everywhere in such a way as not to humiliate their honor and dignity, not to tarnish the good name of the school.

9. Pupils protect school property, treat both their own and other people's property carefully, maintain cleanliness and order on the school grounds.

10. Disciplinary sanctions are applied to students who have appropriated other people's things. In case of damage to someone else's property, the parents of the students who caused the damage are financially responsible.

11. Students who, in their opinion, have found lost or forgotten things should hand it in to the person on duty, who is on the first floor of the school, the teacher on duty, the class teacher or the school administration.

12. Bullying is an unacceptable form of student behavior in and outside of school.

13. It is not allowed to chew gum, students can use gadgets in lessons only for learning.

14. The student is obliged to complete homework within the time limits established by the school program.

15. At the first request of the teacher, the student is obliged to give the diary.

16. The student must record homework in a diary every day.

17. Bring to class all the necessary textbooks, notebooks, tools and stationery.



1. Students enter the classroom by ringing the bell. It is forbidden to be late for lessons without a good reason.

2. When the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand up, greeting the teacher. Likewise, students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class.

3. During the lesson, it is not allowed to walk around the classroom without the permission of the teacher, talk loudly, shout, distract yourself and distract other classmates from the classes with conversations, games and other matters not related to the lesson.

4. Classes at the school are held in the classroom system. Each student is assigned a separate seat in each classroom. Each student is responsible for maintaining sanitary conditions and property at his workplace.

5. If a student needs to leave the classroom during classes, he must ask permission from the teacher.

6. The student must comply with all the teacher's requirements during the lesson.

7. When answering the teacher's questions, the student must answer loudly, clearly, clearly.

8. If the student wants to ask the teacher a question or answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand.

9. During the lesson, the student has the right to ask questions to the teacher if he did not understand the material during the explanation.

10. Pupils come to physical education lessons in sports uniforms and sports shoes. Pupils exempted from physical education must be present in the hall.

11. The bell about the end of the lesson is given for the teacher. Only when the teacher announces the end of the lesson, students have the right to leave the classroom. When the teacher or another adult leaves the class, students stand up.

12. The student has the right to defend his point of view and his beliefs in the correct form when discussing various controversial and ambiguous issues related to the topic of the lesson.

13. Pupils are obliged to know and follow safety rules both during lessons and after they end.




1. During the break, the student must:

- maintain cleanliness and order at your workplace;

- leave the class if the teacher asks;

- students are on their floor during breaks;

- obey the requirements of the teacher on duty on the floor;

- when meeting with teachers, parents, adult visitors of the school, students greet and clear the way;

- students are not allowed to enter the teacher's room without permission;

- it is forbidden to use obscene expressions and gestures, to make noise, to disturb the rest of others.

2. Break time is the personal time of each student. He can conduct it as he sees fit, but he must not interfere with others.

3. During the break, students can freely move around the school, except for those places where they are prohibited for safety reasons (attic, basement, kitchen).

4. During breaks, students are strictly prohibited from leaving the school building in order to preserve life and health and to avoid cases of injury among students.

5. During breaks, it is forbidden to run around the school, on the stairs, near window openings, play ball in the classroom, corridors and other places not suitable for games.

6. During breaks, it is forbidden to push each other, play dangerous games, throw briefcases and other objects, use physical force.

7. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited in the school and on its territory.

8. It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily open windows, sit on windowsills.

9. During breaks, students can turn to their class teacher, the teacher on duty for help, if illegal actions are taken against them.



1. When eating in the dining room, one should observe good manners and behave decently.

2. Pupils must treat canteen workers with respect.

3. Pupils come to the cafeteria after the end of the lesson, follow the queue when receiving food.

4. Talk while eating in a low voice so as not to disturb those eating next to you.

5. You should consume food and drinks purchased only in the dining room.

6. Students themselves clean the dishes from the table after eating.

7. Pupils treat the property of the school canteen with care.

8. It is forbidden to enter the dining room in outerwear.



1. Pupils must come to school in clothes that correspond to the child's presence in public places. The style of clothing is business, classic. A special uniform is required for physical education, labor training, and chemistry lessons.

2. Sports clothes intended for physical education lessons are inappropriate for other lessons.

3. Clothes should correspond to the height, express the owner's respect for himself and society.

4. Do not abuse cosmetics and wear a lot of jewelry to class.

5. It is not allowed to be in school without special reasons.

6. Pupils come to solemn school events in festive uniforms.

7. For evenings and concerts, students choose clothes based on the recommendation of their parents and at their own discretion.



1. The next student in the class during the break must check the study room, prepare the blackboard, ensure order in the room.

2. The regular student has the right to make remarks to other students regarding the rules of behavior and sanitary rules in the classroom.

3. The next class in the school must start duty in 30 minutes. before the start of classes. School rotation lasts one academic week during the working day.

4. Pupils on duty help the teacher on duty in monitoring cleanliness, order in the school, compliance with these rules by all pupils.



1. Pupils do not have the right to carry out actions dangerous to the life   and the health of themselves and those around them while on the school territory and during school activities.

2. For violation of these Rules and the Charter of the school, students are held accountable, the following sanctions may be applied to them:

- oral remark;

- note in the diary;

- summoning the student himself or with his parents to a meeting of the Prevention Council;

- compensation for material damage caused by the student by his parents.

3. These Rules apply to all students of the school and are mandatory for implementation on the entire territory of the school, as well as during all events held by the school.

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